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I’m back with more Dilly Dolls stuff! Oriana has just dropped a couple of her new skins on me as a preview to the Lillie skin line.


these skins are perfect for doll style avatars, which is why i decided to wear my doll shape with them 😀 the bodies are very soft and hand painted and the face is absolutely adorable. i am wearing these in the “marshmellow” skintone but they come in a nice variety of tones to choose from.

the two skins out for the holiday season are “frosty” and “santa’s lil helper”



i am definitely looking forward to seeing the rest of this skinline when it comes out!

also wearing: hair: Truth – Rayne Streaked – crow
lashes: [ImpEle] – Phantom Eyelashes (no longer in world)
eyes: Turquoise Unicorn Studios – Dark Ambience – cream pie (right)(cream pie version of dark ambience eyes are not for sale)
Turquoise Unicorn Studios – Hypno Eyes – Lime- lrg (left)

underwear: *katat0nik* (green) Holiday Bra and Panties (from last year not sure if they are at the shop)

poses from:
pda (no longer in world)
Cashmere (old, not sure if still available)