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so another hair fair is already half over, and i have been so lazy to blog about it! but no more lazyness.. today i’m gonna show off the more casual styles that i picked up this year. and then in another post, i’ll show off the crazy stuff ;D

pig tails.. i always end up with 8923749285629347 pigtails when i go hair shopping. its insane and i’m not sure why i am so hooked on them. anyway this hair is called “esme” and it’s by truth. i love the little wavy tails, they remind me of my real hair when i put it in pigtails. i also love how it’s loose and has little wispy messy pieces just hanging around. truth’s newer hair is very flexy, and has a very soft look to it. its very tough to photograph but its beautiful.

the second hair i picked, yup, more pigtails. this hair is called kasia and its from Kin which is one of my favourite hair stores of all time. this hair is non flexi, and while it may seem a bit stiff, it is still really cute. i love the little curl to the bangs on either side.

last hair for the blog today is from find ash. this is once again not flexi, but it is very cute, and works for both dressy looks and casual. the only thing i did not like about this hair, is that it was very small on my head. the demo was not as small and fit me pretty well with just a little scalp peeking out, but the one i ended up with had alot of bald spots and prims sticking though my ears. so be warned, if you are not good at prim resizing and modding, you might want to think twice about this hair.

ok! that’s all i have for today, tomorrow we’ll get to the more wild of the styles i picked, as well as a special blog dedicated to calico creations because the store owner was so nice and gave me a blogger pack 😀


Pic 1
Shirt: Cynful – Chequered Love (black)
Hair: Truth – Esme (espresso)

Pic 2
Shirt: Refuge – Smile!
Glasses: Skinzors (now Liquid Candy) – Skull Fucked w/Wire
Hair: Kin – Kasia (black)

Pic 3
Dress: Zaara – Mrinali (pistacio)
Hair: Find Ash – Innocent Phase

All Photos
Skin: LAQ – Elin 02 [Fair] Glow Skin
Eyes: Fantajecca – Eye TypeB Red2 (no longer available)

Snooky Poses