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after a long wait, hair fair has returned for another year of charity and awesome new hair! i am so sorry for not making this post sooner, second life ate a bunch of my group notices and if i hadn’t curiously opened the group to see if i was still blogging this year, i would have never realized i needed to post this! so i missed out on giving away a free slot to the early access and i am so sorry about that!

so back to hair fair… its open for everyone starting friday june 18th and you can start grabbing demos from the hair fair demo group starting tomorrow (the 17th)! just copy this link into your local chat box and hit enter to create a link to the group or search for Hair Fair DEMO Group secondlife:///app/group/2e30d166-f3e5-e2de-ff72-b3da2d06ded2/about

i am excited to see what new hair i can discover this year… my inventory and wallet are already crying in fear, but hey it goes to a great charity that i love supporting!

you can find out everything you need to know about hair fair by going to their official website: