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most precious treasure

yes i know i’ve been blogging cureless non-stop since they accepted me to their blogger list but can you blame me? i am obsessed with this store and have been for a long time. yes i promise i will blog some other people very soon :p

its ROMP season once again and while everyone else is showing off the naughty and sexy items available at this round, i decided to show off a personal fetish of mine. dollification is something i learned about in second life and it has always left me curious, while i don’t personally practice it in any large scale i do love to play with the keys and the restraining pose stands and boxes that pop up in events from time to time.  hopscotch has made a lovely set, with several scripted keys and this gorgeous doll stand that reminds me of stands i had for my porcelain dolls when i was young. with several poses you can display yourself or your favourite doll as you like. the keys are scripted with the ability to lock your movements if you are not wound after a certain amount of time, i suck at reading notecards so i found this out by accident after i took my photo and then afk’ed in front of my friend who was sitting on my platform and i came back to my screen seeing myself creepily hunched over him in the wound down pose, probably would have looked cute if i had dressed cute, but this is me we’re talking about, so it was pretty scary looking from his perspective i’m sure. thankfully i was able to wind myself up again!

the body i am wearing is a gacha collaboration between tentacio and cureless currently at the secret hideout and it is amazing! if you managed to get their older doll body, this one is a beautiful upgrade, the rare that i am wearing has bento hands! and the feet will fit slink shoes! i’ve pared it with one of cureless’ old gacha heads which you can probably find floating around in a gacha market or try your hand at winning a random one at the cureless main store. while this body doesn’t have alphas and therefore might not fit everything in your wardrobe, it does have removable parts which may make it easier to fit under items that cover you up more. i was able to wear this dress without any problems! there is also a dress in the gacha that is made especially for this body.

my shoes are also at ROMP and are part of the new collaboration brand between two already successful stores, and while new they are skilled! everything they have made so far has been beautiful but i thought these shoes would suit this over all look with its darling little heart shaped locks on the straps. these shoes match some awesome lingerie which i plan to feature in another blog very soon!

phew! i wrote a lot! you should get to shopping!

most precious treasure fm

Shopping List:

hair: Doe: Shauna (twotone) (Momento Mori)
head: CURELESS[+] Luxurious Dolls / Sad Quartz / Mesh Head
body: *Tentacio & Cureless* Galatea Doll Lolita RARE (Secret Hideout)

crown: Doe: Goat & Roses Crown (Momento Mori)
shoes: Poppy – Lola Heels *black* (ROMP)
dress: CUREMORE / Lovely Clinic / Angelic Nurse Dress / RARE
doll key: *~*HopScotch*~* Wind up Key (Heart) (ROMP)

Doll Stand: *~*HopScotch*~* Doll Stand (ROMP)
Background: *Drot* Messy Vacant Room – Skybox (Momento Mori)