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winter finally decided to grace my real life with some of its annoying coldness… i’ve spent the last few days hiding under blankets and fending off shivers. and as usual, my water froze, and so i had no water all day! ugh! i hate winter… thankfully in second life winter isn’t cold, its pretty and people make pretty things for it. my rl butt might be cold, but my sl butt can stay sexy regardless of the time of the year.


for today’s blog i am wearing a cute sweater body suit from luxuria, and a super cute hat hair from no point! this hair was just randomly dropped on my head by a sender and i don’t remember subscribing to their store stuff at any time so i’m just gonna say thanks for the cute hair! and hope that they sell this in the shop and i’m not blogging a random gift hair that no one can get! the body suit is luxuria’s offering for the wayward winter event. it comes in several colours and will make your butt look fabulous (and kinda cold).

shopping list:

skin: -Glam Affair – Rose – Pearl 04 A
eyes: FATEeyes 3.0
body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara
feet: Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet High

outfit: {Luxuria} Cozy Knit Bodysuit *fluorite purple* (at wayward winter)

poses : oOo studios, kirin