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welcome to 2013!

lotd jan 3 2013

this is going to be my new format for “style posts” and i hope you guys like it 😀

the beginning of 2013 has been awesome. truth sent out this cute hair as a gift, curio is back in action and sent out a huge fatpack of skins to her store group, and blue blood has a new dress 😀

another format change, from now on all of the stores i show on here will be in the index and not linked on the individual post. this will give me the ability to “post and go” as it were when i have little time to finish writing due to rl. the shopping list will still be there but you’ll need to go to the index page to find the slurls to the shops 🙂 this is not finished yet but will be very soon!

shopping list:

hair: >TRUTH< January – elvira

skin: :GP: Moonbeam [Dark] Party Girl-Midnight 1

eyes: .ID. Violet Flare / The Arcade

dress: +Blue Blood+ Penelope BLACK

shoes: Dilly Dolls – Cura Dark Pumps

pose: exposure