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i had a wonderful time at the hair fair preview thing! even though a few booths were still empty or half open i was able to grab most of the stuff i wanted on preview day!
this year’s hair fair was themed after candy land, and i was dying of sugar shock at every turn. giant cup cakes! candy! and of course hair (now thinking about it.. getting candy in your hair or hair in your candy is kinda gross)
there were some great booths, and some interesting hair this year, and of course there was lag… even though they asked us to keep the arc down i saw plenty of people there in friggin ball gowns and arc’s well over 2k. i myself chose a very low arc outfit, no shoes, and hair from etd which kept me in the green and somewhere around 400 i think.
see this sign? if you can’t figure out what to wear for hair fair or you show up in something lagtastic and start bitching about the lag, click this sign and get the low arc outfit and hair provided! it will help  you and the people around you enjoy the hair fair!
congrats to this year’s flickr contest winners! i was lazy and didn’t enter this year (oops) but i was very blown away with those who did! everyone should go check them out!
i know i showed up in different hair but my friend autumn gave me her awesome new hair called gattina and i decided i had to wear it for the rest of the day! it worked well with my outfit as well!
here’s a closeup of this awesome hair!
great isn’t it? make sure you stop by the tiny bird booth and check out all of autumn’s awesome newness!
there was alot of great crazy hair at the hair fair, here’s a couple that i didn’t actually buy but i did admire alot.
this one is by curio obscura (i hope i got that right, i’m  not on sl at the moment to check!) and it’s called “let them eat cake off of your head” and it features some crazy doll hair style curls and mountains of cake 😮 perfect for the hair fair theme this year! just please don’t wear it at the hair fair please!
this one is by toast bard and i am stupid and forgot to note down the name of it but it made me laugh since you could pretty much call yourself a pot head when you wear it :p. i might actually go back and get this one.
while roaming around, i bumped into the owner of calico creations and she tossed me a blogger pack of hair 😀 she was actually the only hair designer at the preview who actually did that, and i will be blogging that in another post later on! she is also wearing a cute style that i ended up buying a black pack of because i can never have too many pig tails. anyway i wanted to take a photo of her because she was very nice 🙂
the last photo of the hair fair that i got is my favourite booth at the fair (not to mention a favourite store of mine)
the hair at house of munster is awesome and really fits my punk/goth moods. i will be going back for more of her hair fair hair because she didn’t have the black pack vendor set out for one of the hairs i wanted, but i did grab another from her booth that i will have in my hair fair haul blog later on.
and that’s all i have for this report. stay tuned for more after i can properly log into sl and take photos of everything i got.
hair fair outfit credits:
hair: gattina – tiny bird|HF location
(pigtails at the start of the blog: paula II – ETD)
skin: (DN) Vogue Skin – Pure (Last Call – Fishnet) – celestial studios
eyes: eye typeB red2 – Fantajecca (store is gone)
tanktop: Easy Street Tank (white) – TorridWear
boxers: Spooky Boxers – Civvies (prize from their halloween hunt last year)
socks: Mismatched old socks (stripes White/Grey) – Canimal