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i didn’t get a chance to blog this set when it was available cause my computer died, but when romp came around, i snagged this neat silk robe and pose to go with it from a gacha and decided to use some of the yokai gacha from cureless to make a sexy and sinister picture.

shopping list:

hair: [NANI] Kiran.Hair
skin: [ MUDSKIN ]_Nana #2_102
eyes: CURELESS [+] Cat Eye Syndrome / GROUP GIFT (unpacked)
head: CATWA HEAD Catya
body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara
tongue: SN – Kali Split Tongue (Sm) – Amy Full Set
teeth: Shark Teeth [Catya Fit]
nails: #EMPIRE – Stiletto Nails – Medium *Vista*

dress: CURELESS[+] Yokai Chronicles / Hinnagami Yukata / RARE
dolls: CURELESS[+] Yokai Chronicles / Hina Dolls on Arms / RARE
CURELESS[+] Yokai Chronicles / Hina Dolls on Back / RARE
CURELESS[+] Yokai Chronicles / Hina Dolls on Skirt / RARE
collar: AsteroidBox. Gajug Kalla // Black (ROMP)
robe: 9.+HILU+KIMONO ROBE / lay(4) (ROMP)
shoes: CURELESS [+] Yokai Chronicles / Fujin Geta / METALBLACK

background: {C&C} Ikebana Mini-Manor
skeleton: CURELESS[+] Yokai Chronicles / Gashadokuro / BONE

poses: main pic – included with the robe
unedited photo: konpeitou