finally done with all i needed to make for this month, now i can blog some of the awesome stuff other people are making this month!
horrorfest opened and it is full of awesome! i will most likely be blogging a lot of stuff from there, but here’s what i have been roaming the grid in recently
shopping list:
hair: Magika [Hair M] Curious
skin: [PF] Harley <Opaline>
eyes: {D.A} Thunder – Mad
lashes: .ploom. Lashes 2 – Skin Addiction Gift
eye makeup: [PF] Shimmer Eyeshadow <Opaline> – Bandit (regular + mono)
lipstick: [PF] <Light> Classic Lipstick – Ruby Red
hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands
teeth: [ContraptioN] The Carnivorous Jaw *MOUTH* bloody f
top: alterego I moment for life – top – noir
corset: Schadenfreude Underbust Corset, long ribbon
skirt: -SU!- Tutu Skirt Black M
boots: :{MV}: Buckle In
earrings: [AUX] R.I.P Coffin Earrings
necklace: +Half-Deer+ Monster Necklace – Yes I Bite
bow collar: *BOOM* Precious Bow Choker (neck) pitch
key: *DD* The Windup Key INT – BWhite
crown: RO – Necromancer Crown
poses: oOo Studio, . Infiniti .
horrorfest :