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head: LAQ Bento – Ivy
hair: .Olive. the Luna Hair
body: Maitreya Mesh Body
skin: :[Plastik]:- Elvenne Skin (Femme):// Azulle
eyes: ~SongBird~ Dark Fae Eyes
ears: [Gauze] [][]Trap[][] Short Ripped Ears Low Ice
wings: + Fae Wings size M (bento) + {egosumaii}

outfit: + Max Level Armor Maitreya + {aii}
halo: :[Plastik]:- Naii Halo [Full]
bindi: :[Plastik]:- Naii Starr Bindi
sparkles: :[Plastik]:- Kinn Body Sparkles
:[Plastik]:- Kinn Face Sparkles

poses: Foxcity

while i’ve got you looking at this blog post, do you like hair? the hair fair is coming! august 17th – september 1st! tons of amazing hair creators across 4 sims. its heaven but its also laggy, if you wanna demo stuff from the event before you head down to the sims, you can join the demo group!

copy paste below into open chat in Second Life to join FREE GROUP (never pay to join any groups claiming to be part of Hair Fair)
